Tree of Life (Sacred Geometry) Orgone Pendant – EMF Radiation Protection



Tree of life is a symbol of a fresh start on life, positive energy, good health and a bright future. It is a symbol of immortality, growth and strength.

An Orgone Pendant is a personal EMF protection device; it provides powerful protection against harmful effects of EMF radiation (dirty electricity); emanating from electronic items like Computers, Mobiles, T.V. and Laptops and High-tension wires. Designed for daily EMF protection and boosts self-confidence

It also cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration.

Made with combination of sacred geometry of Tree of Life, Crystals Chips, and Copper Coil.

Orgone Ingredients:

  • Metal Tree of Life symbol
  • SBB coil
  • Copper shavings
  • Plus 10 powerful crystals

11 powerful Ingredients blended together to harmonize all chakras and designed to empower your 3 areas of life:

  • Health: top healing stones: Jasper, Malachite, Tiger’s Eye
  • Spirituality: top stones connects you with the Divine: Lapis lazuli, Carnelian, Obsidian.
  • Wealth: top stones for wealth: Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Tiger’s Eye

It directs Life force energy to increases personal power and physical energy, bringing courage, compassion and a boost in creativity for a healthier, wealthier, more fulfilled life.
On the spiritual plane, it aids in meditation by calming the mind which helps in spiritual growth.

Orgone is an energy filter; improves relationships with family, friends and co-workers. Helps for better sleep and feeling better, both physically and spiritually.

Connects with your spirit guides, which provides wisdom and shields you from negativity by deflecting harmful vibes . Helps to reach higher vibration of energies. Highly useful in purifying.

Cleans and clear all Chakras


For the right results and optimum benefits; this product shall be specially “Energized and Blessed” by GK Aurum and can also be “Customised /Programmed” through Invocations / Mantras / Shalokas for your specific “need / purpose”; if any.

So, please do write your specific wish /need, if any, in the purchase form (at the check-out).

WEIGHT / SIZE: 10 to 12 GM / 4 CM Dia
Availability: 10 in stock SKU: 5FSK004 Categories: , , ,


01 quantity of the product means one piece of Tree of Life Orgone Pendant with a complimentary cotton string.