Author - Divine Fountainhead

Angels Aurum 14-11-2019

Hi Beautiful Souls!This lovely card from #Archangel Oracle deck brings the message that you need to look past the surface of the situation and see the underlying truth: that everyone involved is God's creation filled with His loving light.When you try focusing upon this truth, you become more open to loving solutions and behaviour and will be able to find peace. AA Chamuel...

Angels Aurum 12-11-2019

Hi Beautiful Souls!#Full Moon Blessings to All!This lovely card from #Archangel Oracle deck brings the message that it's time to slow down, feel #gratitude and enjoy the process of realising your dreams.Just like each process of a plant life cycle, brings joy to the one who seeded it, in the same way you can enjoy as each step brings your #manifestation into tangible form. AA Jophiel( whose name means Beauty of #God) helps you appreciate life's every day #miracles and experience...

Angels Aurum 11-11-2019

Hi Beautiful Souls!Did you have a question in mind?!This lovely card from #Angel #Answers Oracle deck brings the message that seeing to your own needs is nothing to apologize for.The situation calls you to take matters into your own hands and ask for what you need without watering down your request in order to satisfy others.Pursue the fulfillment of your desires with courage and self-confidence as well by setting your own safe boundaries. Be clear about your personal feelings.Love, Light...

Angels Aurum 10-11-2019

Hi Beautiful Souls!The empowering theme still goes on!This lovely card from #Archangel Oracle deck brings the message that It's time to move out of your comfort zone as you are now ready to fly high and brace the change it brings.Welcome new #opportunities and knowing that your #Angels and the #Universe support you. It's time you follow your heart and dreams just keeping an unfailing focus upon #love , #service and the infinite spirit ,avoiding nay_ sayers or skeptics. You have...

Angels Aurum 26-09-2019

Hi Beautiful Souls!This lovely card from #Archangel Oracle deck brings the message that now you are in a #vibration to apply your masterful ways to your true passions, to bring the #Divine #magic in your life.At times, playing safe leads to staleness and depression in life, as you are afraid to take the next step. You have asked for more #happiness and direction, AA Haniel  (whose name means Glory of #God) is guiding you and nurturing you ,to ignite the flame of  #passion in your heart....