Author - Divine Fountainhead

Angels Aurum 02-06-2020

CARD 1( LEFT) QUEEN OF EARTHThis card shows that you are in a time of manifestation. Remember to enjoy time with other people. You are a warm, intelligent, sensible person and you have much to give whether to family, friends or those less fortunate. You are so down to earth yet love enjoying beautiful and luxurious things.  Handle any challenges with understanding and warmth but also with confidence and resourcefulness. For few this card can mean Prosperity, Sensible approach, Green thumb, Sensuality. CARD 2...

Angels Aurum 20-12-2019

Hi Beautiful Souls!This lovely card from #Archangel Oracle deck brings the message that you are wiser than you think and your inner #wisdom has already given you the answers that you seek.Just embrace this knowledge and trust it. If in any doubt, call upon AA Uriel (whose name means #Light of #God) to present you with clear signs and #epiphanies so that you are able to put your ideas into actions / take the next best step without...

Angels Aurum 15-12-2019

REVEALS: SOUL MESSAGES FOR THE WEEKCARD 1: DON'T DIM TO FIT IN CRYSTAL: AMETHYST You are born to shine big and bright and to expand your light is part of your nature. Just like flowers don't open and close according to the ones who walk by them and show their beauty regardless, so are you being guided to move out of the shadows and shine. Relationships are energy agreement when you shine brighter, this agreement changes which is normal. If a...

From The Desk 14-12-2019

SHAPE YOUR LIFE WITH TAROTFor decades, Tarot has fascinated all as an ancient divination tool. Though it owes its roots to Cartomancy but was actualised through Tarocchi (a set of playing cards used in mid -15th century). Tarot has been a wonderful source for making predictions for people to help them get clarity about life, get unstuck in a certain situation, get guidance in difficult times and to show one what one can’t see. Also the practice of attaching Tarot with other businesses like life...

Angels Aurum 11-12-2019

Hi Beautiful Souls!Did you have a question in your mind?This lovely card from #Angel #Answers Oracle deck brings the message that a very positive momentum is beginning to build toward the #creation of your desires. Keep an #optimistic attitude and a cheerful demeanour to speed up your dreams. Though your plans are taking a long time to #manifest but very soon you will see the change. So, don't lose hope when you are so near to make your dreams come...

Angels Aurum 10-12-2019

Hi Beautiful Souls!This lovely card from #Angel #Tarot deck jumped twice in my readings, bringing the message that you need to stay #focused on the project in your hand.Put in all your best efforts for it, stay #devoted to it with all your energy and time. You are in a #leadership position inspiring others with your enthusiasm. You may meet a person who has #innovative ideas and is a thorough professional. You might receive advice/solutions from someone who is an...

Angels Aurum 09-12-2019

Hi Beautiful Souls!This lovely card from #Angel #Therapy Oracle deck brings the message that connection with the #crystals of #mineral kingdom will be highly beneficial for you.Crystals are powerful for emitting, transmuting and magnifying energies. They absorb toxic energies and help to uplift and protect the very #aura of a person or place, e.g., clear quartz enhances your #clarity, black obsidian is an great #protection stone , rose quartz opens your heart to #love and emotional healings whereas...

Angels Aurum 06-12-2019

Hi Beautiful Souls!This lovely card from #Archangel Oracle deck brings the message that it's time to #compassionately see everyone's point of view.It doesn't mean you need to change your stance or behaviour but to approach the situation with a loving heart, which helps in #empowering yourself and allowing #creative solutions. When you #release #unforgiveness towards yourself or others, it cleanses you from emotional #toxins.AA Zadkiel (whose name means Righteousness of #God) is guiding you to forgive yourself and others and...

Angels Aurum 05-12-2019

Hi Beautiful Souls!Did you have a question in your mind?Well, this lovely card from #Angel #Answers Oracle deck brings the message that this is a time for trust as sometimes there is no 'yes' or 'no' to a question.At times, we are better served by not knowing what is to come so that the miracle unfolds before your very eyes and we are able to experience the #joy of surprise just like a child opening a gift. Your #Angels have...

Angels Aurum 03-12-2019

Hi Beautiful Souls!This lovely card from #Angel #Tarot deck brings the message that a fond #friendship is moving to new levels of #intimacy and #abundance of love is available to you!Your relationship is healing and continued commitment is still possible. A relationship between two parties/ people has developed mutual respect, love and understanding. Conflicts will end, #forgiveness is extended and positive resolutions will come up. This is not the time to leave a relationship.For few this card can mean romance,...